Reduce costs, personnel, downtime and error rates associated with detailed field surveys and engineering collaboration in energy, utilities and construction by harnessing the power of Augmented Reality.
Typical field surveys are done in isolation and often in remote locations where expert support is limited or teams of specialists are dispatched to ensure that all elements of the survey are completed. Lost time and cost for travel and management are often not recoverable and affect the bottom line. Data collected can be incomplete requiring critical and potentially dangerous estimation.
Upskilling and optimizing all field personnel using wearable, AR assisted 3D holographic visualization tools from SecondSight, installed on ruggedized field versions of the Microsoft HoloLens 2.
Field personnel can precisely and digitally place and manipulate equipment or layouts over real space, confirm measurements and clearances, vocally complete survey reports and Bill of Materials in the field in real-time and supplement them with photography, video and augmented Point-of-View (PoV).
All 3D models, drawings, and layouts (whether surface or subsurface) are pre-installed on the wearable device and available regardless of connectivity. Where mobile or Wi-Fi connectivity exists, field personnel can securely share real and augmented PoV with support staff anywhere in the world.
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